Pranay Chirla

Technical Content Writer

As a budding content writer Pranay Reddy’s blogs have featured on a number of websites both in the U.S and outside. His blogs while mostly dealing with the complex finance world resonate well with the younger audience, thanks to his style of infusing pop culture references. Pranay, is based in Bengaluru, India, the technology capital of the country. This gives him a chance to interact with some of the brightest minds in the country and understand their view points when it comes to financial literacy. Before his journey into the content writing world Pranay earned a Masters degree in Commerce specialising in the field of Marketing from The Univesity of Sydney. His experience abroad coupled with his inquisitive nature have helped him get a better sense of how the Gen-Z understands finance. He is now a full-time content writer/creator with Bright Money- an US organization that helps people plan their finances using AI.